
Employee Spotlight - Katelyn Schultz

Get to know our Fullerton Tool team through our employee spotlights that feature team members from our manufacturing, customer experience, production support, sales, administration, technical, creative, and executive teams. Check out this month's employee spotlight, which features our HR Director - Katelyn Schultz


Katelyn Schultz

Get to know Katelyn Schultz, our HR Director. She has worked at Fullerton since February of 2019 and she oversees the HR Department for Fullerton and the Curry Family of Companies which include hiring, payroll/attendance, training, risk & compliance, health & safety, benefits administration, record-keeping, performance reviews, stay & exit interviews, administering our apprenticeship program, employee engagement, etc.

Katelyn's favorite thing about working at Fullerton is that she absolutely loves the people first and foremost. They have an amazing team in every aspect who genuinely treat each other like family. She believes we wouldn't be the success we are without the people and the dedication we've seen from everyone especially over this last year with COVID! She also loves their leadership and the focus they have on people and moving Fullerton forward in any way possible. It's an exciting environment to thrive in since they have such a strong passion for process improvement, and being market leaders in every way they can. She's also very partial to her own team, we all know and love the incomparable Melissa Coonan, often her right-hand, and their newest addition, Paulette Pashak. Without them keeping the wheels on with the day-to-day tasks, providing employees with excellent customer service, and assisting in the heavy recruiting the company has been doing lately as they're growing and changing, Fullerton would not be nearly as successful as they are.

Katelyn has been married to her husband, Kurt, for 6 years and they have 2 amazing little boys - Reed (4.5 years old and in young 5's this year) and Grey (15 months old and busy walkin' and talkin'). They absolutely love snowmobiling, pontooning, spending time with family and friends, and riding the U.P. trails in their 1999 geo tracker near their property.

Q&A with Katelyn


When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I actually chose HR at the age of 12 or 13, but for a brief time I wanted to be a Music Therapist until I realized I have almost no ability to play a musical instrument.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?
Tough question! Probably Zooey Deschanel because she plays goofy so well, which is kind of the way I am when you get to know me.

What skill would you like to master?
Training individuals in Leadership both in the corporate and youth groups.

What's the most played song on your phone?
Shakira - Try Everything (my kids love it and it gets us motivated in the morning)

What are your top three life highlights?
My kids, my marriage, my career. Overcoming the things I thought I couldn't.

What is the one thing about you that would surprise people?
I did pageants for 10 years, but also skipped dance classes to ride my dirt bike.  😊

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see and why?
The day the first schools became integrated after Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954. ❤️

What is your hidden talent?
I love singing but I'm not sure others would call it a "talent". I also LOVE cooking!

What is your guilty pleasure?
Binge-watching syndicated comedies (Friends, New Girl, etc.)

What is your go-to karaoke song?
What's going on by 4 non blondes.

What Disney character do you relate to the most? Why?
Snow White because I'm constantly cooking and cleaning up.

Would you rather go back in time or in the future? Why?
Neither. My past made me who I am today, and I'm enjoying the unknown and learning to be more present.

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