
Case Study - Drill, Chamfer, Back Chamfer Custom Tool

Case Study - Drill, Chamfer, Back Chamfer Custom Tool


Our custom-designed Drill, Chamfer, Back Chamfer tool eliminates the need for 3 tools with this 1 unique tool design.  This single tool allows manufacturers to drill, chamfer, and then back chamfer; resulting in less time setting up tooling, less tooling needed, and an overall reduction in their total cost per piece.  Check out some starts below on how this custom tool helped one of our customers reduce cycle time and save money.

Drill, Chamfer, Back Chamfer Stats
  • Fullerton -  Needed Tools Annually: 94
  • Competitor D - Needed Tools Annually: 361
  • Saved Annual Tool Changes: 1,068
  • Annual Savings for Tool Changes: $10,673
  • Annual Savings in Tooling: $114,729
Watch Drill, Chamfer, Back Chamfer In Action


Download our Drill, Chamfer, Back Chamfer Case Study at

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