
Introducing Ron Wallace & Associates (RWA)

We are happy to welcome Ron Wallace & Associates, Inc. (RWA) as our newest manufacturing representative agency to provide support for our Fullerton product line.  RWA will be representing Fullerton in West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.  RWA has seven territory managers specific to the industrial market, of which six will be representing Fullerton’s product lines. 

RWA Team.jpg

back row from left to right: Rob Wallace, Chase Oldham, Dale Bond

front row from left to right: Jack Callahan, Greg Weddle, Ron Vess



Rob Wallace, President | | 803.222.3562
Rob is the main contact for the agency with all principals and corporate personnel of key distributors.  Rob became President in 2015 and maintains a direct knowledge of each territory by continuing to work with the sales representatives in their respective areas.

Chip Blackwelder, VP Sales  | | 704.661.9153
Chip came to RWA in 1992 with an extensive background in sales as well as distributor management, allowing him to develop a strong relationship with industrial distributors.  Chip was a territory manager for all industrial manufacturers represented until 2003, when he assumed the position of Sales Manager.  Chip currently directs the sales operation of all divisions as VP Sales.

Jack Callahan, Territory Manager | | 704.860.3230
Jack joined RWA in 1999.  Jack had over 15 years of experience in manufacturing engineering.  Prior to being with RWA he was a facilitator for integrated supply contracts at major end-users.  Jack brings extensive experience in the metalworking field as well as a solid working knowledge of the MROP needs of distributors and end-users.  Jack covers South Carolina and North Carolina for all metalworking manufacturers represented.

Chase Oldham, Territory Manager | | 704.614.4898
Chase joined RWA in 2015.  Chase’s background included 7 years of experience working as a machinist in a machine shop and 2.5 years of experience as a manufacturer’s rep in the metalworking market.  Chase covers Georgia, southern Alabama and southern Mississippi for all metalworking manufacturers represented.

Ron Vess, Territory Manager  | | 704.689.7701
Ron joined RWA in 2007.  Ron had 23 years of experience as a distributor salesman in the industrial and metalworking market.  He also brings 1-1/2 years of experience as a manufacturer's rep in the metalworking market.  Residing in Virginia, Ron covers the territory of Virginia and West Virginia for the metalworking manufacturers represented.

Greg Weddle, Territory Manager  | | 704.860.3227
Greg joined RWA in 2017.  Greg has over 27 years of experience in metalworking tool development and manufacturing sales.  He has an extensive background in metalworking and tooling.  Greg covers Tennessee, northern Alabama, and northern Mississippi for all metalworking manufacturers represented.

Welcome RWA to the Fullerton family!

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